Animation Caricature 10

Animation project for Collision 130. This caricature art features a man running away in snow

Animation Caricature 9

A News reporter is drawn by caricaturist Corycatures for an animation short series called Collision 130

Animation Caricature 1

First caricature animation for short movie video called Collision 130. Person taking a breathalyzer test

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This is part of an animation short movie called Collision 130. It shows a caricature drawing of a couple inside a car driving

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Part of the caricature animation for short movie video called Collision 130. Displays different types of booze

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Collision 130 is an animated caricature video series about a farmer and actions with alcohol

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Caricature animation for short movie video called Collision 130. Two close up drawings of alcohol

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Animation short video project called Collision 130. It features a caricature artwork of police and their police dog

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Animation caricature artwork show as part of a animation short movie called Collision 130. This part shows a police man addressing the media