Caricatures – Colour

COLOUR Custom Caricatures

Full COLOUR Custom Caricatures are the Full Meal Deal!  We can work together to design your cartoon version using traditional materials like watercolour or for printed format done digitally..

You can get a color caricature from Corycatures with any medium you'd like really! But I do have two specific ways that I generally color gift caricatures:
1) Watercolor Pencil Crayons And Art Stix ~ You get one-of-a-kind original hand-drawn works of art lovingly crafted in color! They don't reproduce easily for use on the web without professional photography to properly document but they're long-lasting pictures great for framing!
2) Digitally Colorized ~ High resolution, full color cartoons sized and ready for printing multiple copies, print and web use. The original; artwork is generally done as pen and ink drawings then scanned for coloring (computer magic!). It doesn't make it one-of-a-kind but their multiple applications and vibrant coloring make them exciting works of art!


SCROLL ON! See how different WATERCOLOUR vs. DIGITAL Can look!

Corporate Colour Caricature Art Work Example
Digital color caricature artwork example

Watercolour cartoon style

Birthdays, Weddings, Retirements, Farewells and other congratulatory stuff!



For Business cards, profile pics, logos, web or anything else to set you apart

Corporate artwork
Your business needs are met with colour artwork developed for conventions, advertising, publications, mailouts and much more!


Vector graphics means you can blow up and image to any size and not lose any of the resolution. In cartoons you can wrap your garage with your image.

Sports teams, School classes, Office staff & extended Families

1. LINE illustration in Black and White (no shading or tones added - great for reproduction on mugs, business cards and other materials)
2. SHADED illustration in Black and White (a Corycatures favorite using light and dark shading to create vivid three dimensional pictures)
3. COLOUR (illustration with all the bells and whistles for printwork, web or framed art)